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iPython Notebook

From the IPython Notebook webpage:

"The IPython Notebook is a web-based interactive computational environment where you can combine code execution, text, mathematics, plots and rich media into a single document."

For some neat examples of what Ipython can do, visit

Instructions for setup:

Select a server from where you will execute the IPython Notebook.

Note that the Ipython Notebook only works withPython 2.7.3 installed at /uufs/ For RHEL 6 systems the path is /uufs/

We also assume that you use the BASH shell (mutatis mutandis for TCSH shell).


Begin by logging into your hosting server and executing the following commands:

ssh -Y $UNID@$
source /uufs/
which python
ipython profile create $profile_name

In IPython execute the commands:

In [1]: from IPython.lib import passwd
In [2]: passwd()
Enter password:
Verify password:
Out[2]: 'sha1:67c9e60bb8b6:9ffede0825894254b2e042ea597d771089e11aed'
In [3]: quit

The returned string 'sha1:67c9e60bb8b6:9ffede0825894254b2e042ea597d771089e11aed' is the password hash that you will need later on.

A subdirectory profile_$profile_name will be created in $HOME/.config/ipython (the default location) which contains among others the following files:

Note that the ipython profile path may be named differently (e.g. in case you already used ipython previously). In the subsequent files we have to edit the aforementioned file ''

Directly below the line

c = get_config()

add the following lines:

c.IPKernelApp.pylab = 'inline'
# the following tells ipython not to try to launch a browser on the remote host
c.NotebookApp.open_browser = False
c.NotebookApp.password = u'<sha1 hash from above>'
# choose a port number between 10000 and 60000
c.NotebookApp.port = $port_number

Restrict the access to your config files that were just created

chmod -R go-rwx $HOME/.config/ipython

How to use the Notebook:

Log into $ using port tunneling:

ssh -L $port_number:$port_number $UNID@$

Launch the ipython Notebook on $server

source /uufs/
ipython notebook --profile=$profile_name

Open a browser on your local machine and type in the following web address:$port_number/

More info:

Last Updated: 7/5/23