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1.10 VisLab Policy

UPDATE - As of November 2018, CHPC is no longer maintaining INSCC294 as a visualization lab. 

The VisLab display configuration  described below has been relocated to INSCC407. If you wish to use this system please send a request to or contact the CHPC office.

CHPC Visualization Lab

The CHPC Visualization lab (VisLab) is located in room 294 of the INSCC Building. The lab is available to researchers and students with a CHPC account for viewing 3D stereographic data or for remote collaboration via video conference resources. The room can handle groups of up to 20 people for both visualization and remote collaboration services.

The VisLab display configuration is a rear projected system with Windows 7, an Nvidia Quadro 5000 graphics card, Nvidia 3D Vision Active stereo glasses, and an Acer 3D HD projector with maximum resolution of 1280 x 720 in stereo mode.Visualization application must support quad-buffered stereo and must be tested and installed by CHPC visualization staff. Current applications that have been tested and installed are VMD, Mercury and VisIT.

A brief orientation meeting for first time users is suggested. Users will be instructed on how to use the VisLab and its systems. To schedule use of the VisLab, send a request to or contact the CHPC office.

All users of the VisLab are required to adhere to the following:

  • Schedule the VisLab when needed
  • Use the VisLab for research purposes only
  • Log out of the system and turn off the projector when finished
  • Keep the lab clean
  • Make sure the lab is locked when you leave
Last Updated: 1/8/25