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CHPC Usage by Project - Winter 2025

Last Updated: Sun Mar 02 2025 22:57:34

PI General Allocation Pool (SUs)
Allocation Notchpeak Balance
Aksamija, Zlatan (aksamija) 0.00 5,676.47 0.00
Al-gahmi, Abdulmalek (BMI6015) 0.00 208.26 0.00
Armentrout, Peter B. (armentro) 0.00 168,153.13 0.00
Arzani, Amirhossein (arzani) 0.00 0.43 0.00
Barber, Michael (barber) 0.00 259.71 0.00
Bedrov, Dmitry (bedrov) 0.00 398,618.51 0.00
Bergman, Douglas (bergman) 0.00 96,075.08 0.00
Bidone, Tamara C (bidone) 0.00 14,413.35 0.00
Bosch, Justin Anthony (bosch) 0.00 539.36 0.00
Bowling, David (bowling) 0.00 34.18 0.00
Brewer, Simon (brewer) 0.00 30.55 0.00
Brogaard, Jonathan (brogaard) 0.00 37.32 0.00
Calaf, Marc (calaf) 0.00 52,933.83 0.00
Carey, Allison (carey) 0.00 117.39 0.00
Cheatham, Tom (chpc) 0.00 51.94 0.00
Chen, Yian (ychen) 0.00 5.14 0.00
Clark, Aurora Evelyn (clarka) 0.00 4,908.37 0.00
Clement, Kendell (BMI6021) 0.00 39.44 0.00
Clement, Kendell (clementm) 0.00 6,620.74 0.00
Cohen, James (cohen) 0.00 2,648.16 0.00
Coley, Phyllis (coley) 0.00 70.30 0.00
Deboeck, Pascal R. (deboeck) 0.00 618.77 0.00
Dentinger, Bryn (dentinger) 0.00 68.66 0.00
DeTar, Carleton (detar) 0.00 96.65 0.00
Dorrance, Adrienne (dorrance) 0.00 1.66 0.00
dtn 0.00 3,077.44 0.00
Feng, Tianli (fengt) 0.00 298,969.53 0.00
Forster, Richard (rforster) 0.00 256.13 0.00
Francoeur, Mathieu (francoeur) 0.00 32,895.09 0.00
Gagnon, James (gagnon) 0.00 1.49 0.00
Golden, Kenneth Morgan (golden) 0.00 512.26 0.00
Goldenberg, David P (BIOL6120) 0.00 313.76 0.00
Gompert, Zachariah (gompert) 0.00 3,090.78 0.00
Gouripeddi, Ramkiran (gouripeddi) 0.00 3.00 0.00
Greene, Tom (greene) 0.00 35,940.08 0.00
Gruenwald, Michael (gruenwald) 0.00 62,268.17 0.00
Hammond, Ming Ming (hammond) 0.00 0.02 0.00
Haskins, Jessica (haskins) 0.00 77,974.30 0.00
Hochhalter, Jacob (hochhalter) 0.00 902.49 0.00
Holland, William (holland) 0.00 9,245.77 0.00
Ilardo, Melissa (ilardo) 0.00 216.60 0.00
Johnson, Christopher R. (johnsonc) 0.00 320.03 0.00
Johnson, Ryan Curtis (johnsonrc) 0.00 117.63 0.00
Jones, Bryant (jonesbr) 0.00 41,474.08 0.00
Judson-torres, Robert (judson-torres) 0.00 83.27 0.00
Kapheim, Karen (kapheim) 0.00 1,087.86 0.00
Kardon, Gabrielle (kardon) 0.00 1,415.41 0.00
Knoechel, Birgit (knoechel) 0.00 1,091.23 0.00
Koper, Keith (koper) 0.00 3,020.16 0.00
Leffler, Ellen (leffler) 0.00 702.88 0.00
Leung, Daniel (leung) 0.00 449.14 0.00
Mace, Gerald G. (mace) 0.00 147.61 0.00
Marques Tavares, Gustavo (marques) 0.00 73,185.28 0.00
Mishra, Brijes (mishra) 0.00 463.54 0.00
Mock, Karen (mock) 0.00 766.83 0.00
Monson, Ken (monson) 0.00 15,184.95 0.00
Moon, Kevin (moon) 0.00 160.03 0.00
Moos, Philip (moos) 0.00 256.20 0.00
Myers, Benjamin (myersb) 0.00 520.13 0.00
Noriega, Rodrigo (noriega) 0.00 68.89 0.00
notchpeak-gpu 0.00 504,589.57 0.00
notchpeak-shared-short 0.00 144,440.58 0.00
Novoselov, Alex (novoselov) 0.00 9,501.01 0.00
Petruzza, Steve (USUCS5890) 0.00 0.02 0.00
Pezzolesi, Marcus Guy (pezzolesi) 0.00 159,355.89 0.00
Pu, Zhaoxia (ATMOS6500) 0.00 121.46 0.00
Ranjan, Ravi (ranjan) 0.00 2,886.29 0.00
Rezig, El Kindi (CS4964) 0.00 93.52 0.00
Rog, Ofer (rog) 0.00 3,244.03 0.00
Round, June (round) 0.00 29,331.88 0.00
Saarman, Norah (USU-BIOL4750) 0.00 453.56 0.00
Safavi-hemami, Helena (safavi) 0.00 11,379.83 0.00
Schmidt, Eric (schmidt) 0.00 3,421.44 0.00
sdss-np-fast 0.00 14,929.73 0.00
Shiu, Yan-ting (shiu) 0.00 17,579.31 0.00
Shuai, Pin (shuai) 0.00 275.51 0.00
Sigman, Matthew (sigman) 0.00 84,233.40 0.00
Singleton, Patrick (singleton) 0.00 423.52 0.00
Skiles, Sara (skiles) 0.00 6,651.94 0.00
Soldin, Dennis (soldin) 0.00 65,887.55 0.00
Spear, Ashley (spear) 0.00 13,128.12 0.00
Stansfield, Alyssa (stansfield) 0.00 677.99 0.00
Starr, Tyler (starr) 0.00 2,310.97 0.00
Steele, Ryan P (steele) 0.00 281,575.48 0.00
Steenburgh, W James (steenbur) 0.00 14,587.82 0.00
Steffen, Josh (cossri) 0.00 257.96 0.00
Strong, Court (ATMOS6040) 0.00 1,047.50 0.00
Strong, Court (strong) 0.00 1,312.49 0.00
Swanson, Jessica (CHEM7450) 30,000.00 18.20 29,981.80
Swanson, Jessica (swanson) 0.00 38,414.35 0.00
Tasdizen, Tolga (ECE6545) 0.00 6.07 0.00
Titze, Ingo R (titze) 0.00 0.36 0.00
Van Dam, Tonie (vandam) 0.00 2.37 0.00
Walter, Katharine (walter) 0.00 3,124.94 0.00
Wang, Haoran (wangha) 0.00 315,693.49 0.00
Wang, Jonathan (wangj) 0.00 12,379.06 0.00
Wang, Pai (wangp) 0.00 257,575.88 0.00
Warren, Roseanne (warren) 0.00 363,969.60 0.00
Webster, Timothy (webster) 0.00 23,506.53 0.00
White, Henry (whiteh) 0.00 108.78 0.00
Wik, Daniel (ASTR6410) 0.00 2.36 0.00
Wik, Daniel (wik) 0.00 4,963.09 0.00
Wilde, Elisabeth (wilde) 0.00 958.61 0.00
Young, Julie K (youngj) 0.00 193.40 0.00
Zhang, Wei (zhangw) 0.00 44.22 0.00
Zhang, Zhengkang (zzhang) 0.00 10.36 0.00
Zhu, Xuan (xzhu) 0.00 59,927.00 0.00
Total Service Units 30,000.00 3,873,006.50 -3,843,006.50
Note - 9 Nov 2018: CHPC provides information on the owner group utilization data over the past two weeks. This can both assist users who may want to target specific nodes based on past utilization when running guest jobs and can also be used by the owner group to see usage patterns.

PI Notchpeak (SUs) - Owner Nodes
Allocation Usage Balance
akaundal-np 138,240.00 6,446.17 131,793.83
aksamija-np 483,840.00 212,656.58 271,183.42
alhalah-gpu-np 0.00 174,879.75 0.00
anderegg-np 682,560.00 127,183.33 555,376.67
arup-gpu-np 120,960.00 74,513.93 46,446.07
arup-gpu-rw 120,960.00 0.00 120,960.00
arzani-np 0.00 62,275.96 0.00
bedrov-np 345,600.00 149,107.36 196,492.64
belz-np 86,400.00 3,097.51 83,302.49
bidone-gpu-np 138,240.00 41,729.81 96,510.19
bmi_facelli-np 552,960.00 310,951.00 242,009.00
bowen-np 138,240.00 168.54 138,071.46
carey-np 120,960.00 420.25 120,539.75
ceostudent-np 829,440.00 0.00 829,440.00
cheatham-gpu-np 172,800.00 8,926.60 163,873.40
cheatham-np 69,120.00 0.00 69,120.00
chipman-np 138,240.00 6,134.61 132,105.39
civil-np 1,002,240.00 92,546.95 909,693.05
clarka-gpu-np 0.00 30,753.41 0.00
clarka-np 1,658,880.00 988,320.65 670,559.35
coe-np 0.00 477,794.44 0.00
coestudent-np 0.00 9.13 0.00
cryoem-gpu-np 69,120.00 458.63 68,661.37
daq-np 285,120.00 57,059.17 228,060.83
dbrown-gpu-np 0.00 87,891.93 0.00
deo-np 518,400.00 0.00 518,400.00
dscharf-np 138,240.00 41,839.12 96,400.88
efd-np 570,240.00 131,976.23 438,263.77
elde-gpu-np 0.00 251.76 0.00
elde-np 259,200.00 0.00 259,200.00
farmer-np 345,600.00 0.00 345,600.00
faroughi-np 0.00 440,525.31 0.00
fengt-np 2,350,080.00 955,547.91 1,394,532.09
fiorella-np 112,320.00 0.00 112,320.00
gnosis-gpu-np 86,400.00 0.00 86,400.00
gnosis-np 1,036,800.00 0.00 1,036,800.00
gomer-np 276,480.00 0.00 276,480.00
gompert-np 198,720.00 55,508.20 143,211.80
gruenwald-gpu-np 34,560.00 0.00 34,560.00
gruenwald-np 1,036,800.00 240,566.45 796,233.55
gtao-gpu-np 0.00 6,296.35 0.00
hermans-gpu-np 0.00 66,925.59 0.00
hochhalter-gpu-np 86,400.00 0.00 86,400.00
hochhalter-np 475,200.00 282,650.96 192,549.04
hoepfner-np 345,600.00 58.51 345,541.49
holmes-np 276,480.00 13,741.18 262,738.82
jonesk-gpu-np 0.00 4,048.70 0.00
kapheim-np 233,280.00 15,567.14 217,712.86
koppelmans-np 103,680.00 7,156.59 96,523.41
lawson-np 207,360.00 1,305.84 206,054.16
leffler-gpu-np 120,960.00 15,875.10 105,084.90
leffler-np 414,720.00 72,241.15 342,478.85
lin-np 587,520.00 168,629.22 418,890.78
mallia-np 604,800.00 303,032.38 301,767.62
marasovic-gpu-np 0.00 33,270.35 0.00
molinero-np 1,244,160.00 175,153.56 1,069,006.44
moraes-np 276,480.00 105,365.04 171,114.96
mpag-np 138,240.00 24,251.09 113,988.91
neurostats-np 0.00 1,251.85 0.00
newell-np 172,800.00 253.51 172,546.49
novoselov-np 967,680.00 50,342.93 917,337.07
oberg-np 86,400.00 0.00 86,400.00
owner-gpu-guest 0.00 826,560.34 0.00
owner-guest 0.00 6,745,297.83 0.00
penguin-np 138,240.00 3,363.11 134,876.89
pezzolesi-np 69,120.00 12,790.09 56,329.91
rogersa-np 138,240.00 110.52 138,129.48
round-np 69,120.00 3,949.16 65,170.84
rutter-gpu-np 86,400.00 13,535.95 72,864.05
saarman-np 138,240.00 11,508.32 126,731.68
saffarian-np 276,480.00 7,519.03 268,960.97
schmidt-np 86,400.00 24,584.31 61,815.69
sdss-np 2,211,840.00 328,689.40 1,883,150.60
sigman-np 2,280,960.00 1,070,173.54 1,210,786.46
sjoden-np 120,960.00 0.00 120,960.00
skadi-np 483,840.00 106,767.02 377,072.98
soc-gpu-np 829,440.00 360,535.95 468,904.05
soc-np 691,200.00 28,862.46 662,337.54
solidmech-np 1,002,240.00 419,293.48 582,946.52
srikumar-gpu-np 138,240.00 22,645.75 115,594.25
starr-np 0.00 2,585.34 0.00
sullivan-np 0.00 8,454.04 0.00
sutherland-np 414,720.00 37,632.40 377,087.60
swanson-gpu-np 311,040.00 56,048.36 254,991.64
tanw-np 864,000.00 0.00 864,000.00
tbicc-np 112,320.00 1,541.19 110,778.81
thinkreed-np 138,240.00 13,283.46 124,956.54
tnc-np 0.00 40,271.57 0.00
uspcasw-np 518,400.00 198,885.97 319,514.03
usuclimo-np 950,400.00 623,747.62 326,652.38
usumae-np 4,354,560.00 2,199,215.21 2,155,344.79
usuplants-np 0.00 6,115.82 0.00
utahdb-gpu-np 0.00 144,645.20 0.00
uvucos-np 0.00 39,753.72 0.00
vegayon-np 120,960.00 8,726.17 112,233.83
wangj-np 0.00 157,847.81 0.00
wsucos-np 414,720.00 140,467.34 274,252.66
yqu-gpu-np 0.00 217.97 0.00
yqu-np 138,240.00 0.00 138,240.00
yrao-np 483,840.00 125,888.04 357,951.96
yzhou-gpu-np 155,520.00 0.00 155,520.00
zhang-np 138,240.00 35,425.42 102,814.58
zhangw-np 138,240.00 27,878.51 110,361.49
zpu-np 2,073,600.00 84,596.72 1,989,003.28
Total Service Units 40,547,520.00 20,066,371.87 20,481,148.13

notchpeak-osg Usage
Total Service Units 0.00
Last Updated: 1/7/25