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CHPC Software: GaussView

GaussView is a graphical user interface for constructing molecular systems, for the creation of Gaussian input files, and to look at the output of Gaussian runs. Molecular structures can be built by hand or can be read from PDB files or from a number of different Gaussian files (com, chk, fchk, cub, or log).

Please note that you cannot submit Gaussian jobs directly from gaussview GUI.  Instead you should save the input files being created, and use a slurm script to submit the Gaussian job on the cluster compute nodes.  See the Gaussian09 and Gaussian16 documentation pages for more details on this along with sample slurm scripts.

  • Platforms: all clusters
  • Location: /uufs/

To Use:

You must be in the gaussian user group ain order to use.  

For GaussView6 :

module load gaussian16 

For GaussView5:

module load gaussian09 



If you, are on a windows machine, you must have X11 forwarding enabled in the ssh package you are using and you must have a X window packages such as XMing or XWin32 running. Alternately you can use FastX on one of the interactive or frisco nodes from windows, mac, or linux desktops.


Last Updated: 1/8/25