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CHPC Software: Quantum Espresso

Quantum Espresso (QE) is an integrated suite of computer codes for electronic-structure calculations and materials modeling at the nanoscale. It is based on density-functional theory, plane waves, and pseudopotentials (both norm-conserving and ultrasoft). The website for QE is GPU versions are available, please contact the CHPC help desk at if you need access to these versions. Also included is the GIPAW software for calculating NMR and EPR parameters.

Also, please note that under the Rocky 8 OS we have encountered various problems with various QE versions. The version listed below seems to be the most stable. If you encounter problems with this version use the module spider quantum-espresso command to try other versions.

To Use:

The most stable QE seems to be built with the Intel compiler and MVAPICH2:

ml intel-oneapi-compilers/2021.4.0 mvapich2/2.3.7 quantum-espresso/7.0

This build will work on the InfiniBand network CHPC clusters, kingspeak, notchpeak or ash. For Lonepeak, try to replace the mvapich/2.3.7 module with intel-oneapi-mpi/2021.1.1.

The following line gives and example of how to run pw.x under SLURM:

mpirun -np $SLURM_NTASKS pw.x -inp input > output

Note that the QE developers recommend the use of "-inp" for supplying input, and not the standard redirects.

For constructing inputs and analyzing outputs the java program J-ICE is recommended. CHPC also has python scripts available for converting to and from CIF format; please contact for more information.

Please find an example script written in bash, and an example input file at /uufs/

The example slurm script is duplicated below for convenience:

#SBATCH -t 3:00:00
#SBATCH -n 16
#SBATCH -A owner-guest
#SBATCH -p kingspeak-guest
#SBATCH -o qe-%j

#Put the names of your input files in this list
#Names are separated by a space; make sure there's
#a space between the parentheses and the names

#The data directory is where your input files are located

export DATADIR=/uufs/

#Make sure that the scratch path matches the path in your input files

export SCRATCH=/scratch/kingspeak/serial/u0123458/test/

# Don't edit stuff below this line
# Bad things will happen

module purge
module load intel-oneapi-compilers/2021.4.0 mvapich2/2.3.7 quantum-espresso/7.0

mkdir -p $SCRATCH

echo "Evaluating $NAME at `date`"
echo "Finished $NAME at `date`"
Last Updated: 1/8/25