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Lonepeak now using SLURM for Batch Scheduling

Date Posted: March 10th, 2015

As announced last week, CHPC is moving to use SLURM as the batch scheduler on all clusters.  As a first step lonepeak was moved to SLURM this morning.  The remaining clusters will move to using SLURM after the April 2nd downtime.

All lonepeak nodes are now set up to use SLURM, so in order to use lonepeak you must change your scripts.

See our webpage to help you get started with the process of creating SLURM scripts:  

Near the bottom of this page are several links to other useful sources of information.

Several of the application webpages now point to locations with example SLURM scripts and CHPC staff will continue to add additional examples. In addition, we will hold sessions at which users can come learn about SLURM and ask questions.  The first session will be next Tuesday, March 17 at 1pm in the auditorium.  Additional sessions will be announced. We strongly recommend that you take the time to test scripts on lonepeak between now and the end of the month.

 If you have any questions, please send them to

Last Updated: 1/8/25