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Impact of two-factor authentication requirement at CHPC

 Posted October 26th, 2016

The move to requiring the use of two-factor authentication for all employees, announced in the message shown below, will AT THIS TIME,  only affect accessing the portions of the CHPC website which require you to login.  It will not be required when you access CHPC compute resources, with the following two exceptions – one of which is already in place:

The first exception is access to the  protected environment, where we have been using two-factor authentication for several months.

The second exception, which we are still working on deploying, is for groups that are working with human genomic data.  This is in response to the NIH  database of Genotypes and Phenotypes (dbGaP) security best practices,  as detailed in the document As we proceed with this deployment, we will reach out to the groups that may be impacted by this change.

CHPC has a web page,, which provides some additional information about Duo.

Note,  that CHPC will be reviewing this policy and will notify users if and when there are any changes made.

Please let us know of any questions or concerns.

Last Updated: 1/8/25