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CHPC OUTAGE: May 1, 2022 starting at about 5pm

Date Posted: May 2, 2022

Update: 10:03pm May 2nd:
Access to the group spaces on the cottonwood09 storage trays has been restored. Any remaining issues from the outage should be reported to

Yesterday (Sunday May 1) at about 5pm a number of the CHPC systems in the general environment went down.  While the cause of the outage is still being explored, it appears to be tied to either a temperature or humidity issue.  
The CHPC systems team was able to recover some of the systems but as of late last night there were still 49 compute servers down on the general environment clusters as well as the cottonwood09 disk tray.   A list of the group spaces impacted is attached. Please note that any systems that have one of these spaces mounted may be unresponsive or have commands that interact with the spaces hang.
Work on recovering the affected hardware as well as looking into the cause is continuing. We will update when we know more.
Last Updated: 1/8/25