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General Environment FastX servers Outage, August 21, 2023 starting at 9am

Date Published: August 11th, 2023

On Monday August 21 at about 9am CHPC staff will be updating the CHPC FastX servers in the general environment in order to address issues that we are experiencing with the current version. We anticipate that the upgrade will take several hours, and will send an announcement when FastX is again available for use.
This will impact the following systems: 
  • All of the frisco nodes
  • All of the notchpeak cluster interactive nodes, both general and owner -- note that these include gimli,  the astro[01-05] nodes, as well as the sdss nodes ark, bhm, lvm, mwm, archive.
  • All of kingspeak cluster interactive nodes, general and owner -- note that this includes smaug, hawkeye, radar, manga, sdssadmin, apogee, eboss, elmo (
  • All of the lonepeak cluster interactive nodes
  • All of the ash cluster interactive nodes 
ALL FastX sessions on these systems will be terminated before the upgrade is started.  
If you are using the slurm salloc command from within a FastX session to start an interactive batch session on a compute node that you want to not be killed when the FastX sessions are terminated, you should do the salloc within a screen session (see
Alternates to access CHPC resources are discussed at
Last Updated: 1/8/25