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CHPC Downtime: Tuesday March 5 starting at 7:30am

Date Published: February 8, 2024

The first part of the downtime will be updating the CHPC firewall software; this work will start at about 7:30 am and we expect it to take most of the morning. This will impact access to ALL CHPC resources, both in the general and the protected environments.  
There will be no login access to any CHPC resource - this includes the cluster interactive nodes, ondemand, virtual machines, stand-alone servers, data transfer nodes, windows servers.  There also will be no access to any of the CHPC file systems.
Once the updates on the firewall software have been completed access will be restored to the resources in the general environment. This will happen in stages, starting late morning/early afternoon.
The second part of the downtime is a move of the connection between the firewall and the Protected Environment (PE) core networking switch, needed for the ongoing move of the PE gear from Machine Room 1 to Machine Room 2. This will impact access to all resources in the PE.  
We anticipate that this work will take a couple of hours.  Once the new link is in place we will start to return the PE resources back to service.
CHPC staff will also be using this time to do additional updates to some resources such as the windows servers in both the environments.
In preparation for this downtime, reservations have been put in place on all clusters such that the batch queues will be drained of running jobs before the start of the downtime. Any job that will not finish before the start of the downtime will not start but will remain in the queue as pending until the downtime has been completed.
Last Updated: 1/8/25