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Hands-on Introduction to R

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In this hands-on introduction we will cover the basic building blocks of the R programming language.
We will start with some historical info on the R language. We then discuss the concept of atomic data types and
homogeneous vectors. Through the concept of attributes we will introduce matrices, arrays, factors and datetimes.
Subsequently, control structures and the concept of functions will be covered.
Afterwards, the topic of heterogeneous vectors (lists and dataframes) and IO will be addressed.
If time permits we will discuss the concept of environments, libraries and a few statistical distributions.
At the present time, ggplot2, debugging, profiling will not be covered. They certainly will be covered in the near future.
After each section time will be spent on exercises. 
In order to do the exercises you need to have access to an R language interpretor and the RStudio IDE.
We recommend one of the following options:
The class material is available at:
Additional material:
Last Updated: 1/8/25