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XSEDE HPC Monthly Workshop: Summer Boot Camp


This parallel programming workshop covering OpenMP (shared memory parallelization), OpenACC (GPU programming) and MPI (distributed memory parallelization). This is a once in a year opportunity to learn the basics of three most popular parallelization approaches in 4 days. Typically we are a sattelite site for this and other XSEDE HPC Workshops, but due to the COVID-19 situation it will be given as a Webcast. 

The workshop will run from 9am to 3pm each day with an hour long lunch break.

We encourage anyone with interest in parallel programming to attend this excellent workshop taught by experts from the Pittsburgh Supercomputer Center (PSC). Prerequisites are basic Linux command line knowledge (like what's taught by our Intro to Linux class offered at CHPC, or Cornell's Virtual Workshop Introduction to Linux) and basic knowledge of Fortran or C programming (e.g. Cornell's Introduction to C programming or Introduction to Fortran programming). For details and agenda, along with the link to register,  please see the PSC workshop page . 

There is no cost to attend, but you must have an XSEDE account (free, click here to create one) in order to register and participate in the workshop.

This event is available to anyone (not just University of Utah affiliates), therefore, we appreciate if you could spread the word among your peers about this workshop.

Due to COVID-19 PSC has moved to a webcast format instead of having satellite sites. There is no cost to attend, but you must register with XSEDE account (free) at the registration site that will be posted on the XSEDE course catalog about a month before the workshop.

The workshop desciption, along with links to the agenda and slides are can be found at PSC's webpage for the workshop.

Last Updated: 1/8/25