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CHPC Usage by Project - Winter 2015

Last Updated: Tue Mar 31 2015 23:46:19

PI General Allocation Pool (SUs)
Allocation Ember Kingspeak Balance
Armentrout, Peter B. (armentro) 200,000.00 106,199.07 91,805.48 1,995.45
Balagurunathan, Kuberan (Balagurunathan) 6,000.00 0.00 0.00 6,000.00
Baron, Riccardo (baron) 0.00 328.22 3,711.33 0.00
Bedrov, Dmitry (bedrov) 300,000.00 836.39 300,942.78 0.00
Bergman, Douglas (bergman) 150,000.00 86,201.78 73,783.55 0.00
Bild, Andrea (bild) 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00
Boldyrev, Alexander (boldyrev) 60,000.00 3,328.49 0.00 56,671.51
Bolton, Adam (bolton) 0.00 0.00 55.25 0.00
Bolton, Adam (sdss) 0.00 0.00 1,693.69 0.00
Bowen, Gabriel (bowen) 0.00 0.00 2,969.20 0.00
Bowling, David (bowling) 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.00
Brannon, Rebecca (brannon) 200,000.00 0.00 0.00 200,000.00
Burrows, Cynthia (burrows) 30,000.00 5,229.63 0.00 24,770.37
Calaf, Marc (calaf) 124,800.00 0.00 96,828.68 27,971.32
Cheatham, Thomas (cheatham) 250,000.00 245,437.43 12,266.87 0.00
Cheatham, Thomas (cheatham-em-gpu) 0.00 76,105.09 0.00 0.00
Cheatham, Thomas (chpc) 20,000.00 544.24 1,776.18 17,679.58
Deininger, Michael (deininger) 130,000.00 112,346.53 22,101.07 0.00
DeTar, Carleton (detar) 200,000.00 49,027.02 148,845.24 2,127.74
Eilbeck, Karen (BMI_Eilbeck) 0.00 1.42 0.00 0.00
Elde, Nels (elde) 20,000.00 0.00 0.17 19,999.83
Facelli, Julio C. (BMI_Facelli) 0.00 314.94 0.00 0.00
Facelli, Julio C. (facelli) 200,000.00 16,856.58 112,966.63 70,176.79
Farber, Steven (farber) 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00
Farmer, Colleen (farmer) 5,000.00 0.00 3,509.47 1,490.53
Feng, Bingjian (feng) 50,000.00 0.00 8,684.68 41,315.32
Fogelson, Aaron (fogelson) 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00
Francoeur, Mathieu (francoeur) 100,000.00 0.00 297.42 99,702.58
Free, Michael L. (free) 0.00 120.69 0.00 0.00
Frost, Adam (frost) 100,000.00 0.00 96,495.87 3,504.13
Garrett, Tim (garrett) 0.00 0.00 358.32 0.00
general-gpu 0.00 57,473.10 0.00 0.00
Goldgar, David (dgoldgar) 0.00 0.00 1,870.97 0.00
Greene, Tom (greene) 30,000.00 0.38 0.00 29,999.62
Gregg, Christopher Thornton (gregg) 30,000.00 0.00 0.00 30,000.00
Gruenwald, Michael (gruenwald) 150,000.00 30.30 8.35 149,961.35
Harman, Todd (harman) 10,000.00 576.16 0.00 9,423.84
Hill, Chris (hill) 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 50,000.00
Horel, John (horel) 100,000.00 0.00 360.02 99,639.98
Ibarra, Luis (ibarra) 70,000.00 552.02 14,898.01 54,549.97
Jennings, Skyler (jennings) 20,000.00 0.00 95.74 19,904.26
Jevremovic, Tatjanta (jevremovic) 50,000.00 2,712.80 28,533.64 18,753.56
Johnson, William P. (wjohnson) 18,000.00 0.00 0.00 18,000.00
Krueger, Steven K. (krueger) 40,000.00 0.00 0.00 40,000.00
Liu, Feng (liu) 200,000.00 73,764.90 134,844.64 0.00
Mascaro, Stephen (mascaros) 0.00 121.51 0.00 0.00
McLennan, John (mclennan) 100,000.00 32,107.45 26,815.04 41,077.51
Miller, J.D. (millerj) 16,000.00 2,595.92 3,837.52 9,566.56
Miller, Joel S. (millerjs) 20,000.00 12,096.13 0.00 7,903.87
Mohanty, Swomitra K (mohanty) 16,000.00 0.20 7,626.33 8,373.47
Molinero, Valeria (molinero) 200,000.00 7,112.79 193,010.38 0.00
Noo, Frederic (noo) 0.00 77.41 0.00 0.00
Orendt, Anita M (UVU) 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.00
Park, Keunhan (park) 75,000.00 0.00 91.93 74,908.07
Pu, Zhaoxia (zpu) 100,000.00 95,199.22 3,414.11 1,386.67
Quinlan, Aaron (quinlan) 0.00 27.40 378.78 0.00
Raeymaekers, Bart (raeymaekers) 80,000.00 81,148.78 0.00 0.00
Reichler, Thomas (reichler) 210,000.00 2,170.99 64,545.46 143,283.55
Sigman, Matthew (sigman) 200,000.00 56,174.89 142,483.81 1,341.30
Simpson, Jamesina (simpson) 60,000.00 41,463.71 0.00 18,536.29
Smith, Philip J (smithp) 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00
Sokolsky, Pierre (sokolsky) 30,000.00 1,663.10 0.00 28,336.90
Sparks, Taylor (sparks) 16,000.00 0.00 6,269.53 9,730.47
Spear, Ashley (spear) 50,000.00 0.00 227.57 49,772.43
Steele, Ryan P (steele) 100,000.00 0.00 105,003.95 0.00
Steenburgh, W. James (steenbur) 30,000.00 0.00 14,013.25 15,986.75
Stoll, James R (Rob) (stoll) 100,000.00 635.40 7,455.52 91,909.08
Sundar, Hari (CS6230) 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.00
Thomson, Gordon (thomson) 0.00 1,512.69 0.00 0.00
Thorne, Michael (thorne) 30,000.00 0.00 20,850.83 9,149.17
Truong, Thanh N. (truong) 15,000.00 17,012.05 0.00 0.00
Villanueva, Claudio (villanueva) 5,000.00 527.34 0.00 4,472.66
White, Henry (whiteh) 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00
Whiteman, Dave (whiteman) 150,000.00 83,806.69 60,934.16 5,259.15
Yandell, Mark (yandell) 0.00 10,105.09 5,315.94 0.00
Zhdanov, Michael (zhdanov) 75,000.00 4,262.25 28,193.55 42,544.20
Zheng, Zheng (zheng) 35,000.00 0.15 20,926.70 14,073.15
Zipser, Edward J. (zipser) 100,000.00 18,178.80 0.00 81,821.20
Total Service Units 4,796,800.00 1,305,987.18 1,871,098.42 1,619,714.40
Note - 9 Nov 2018: CHPC provides information on the owner group utilization data over the past two weeks. This can both assist users who may want to target specific nodes based on past utilization when running guest jobs and can also be used by the owner group to see usage patterns.

PI Kingspeak (SUs) - Owner Nodes
Allocation Usage Balance
Avey, Lance (avey-kp) 64,800.00 4,655.15 60,144.85
Bedrov, Dmitry (bedrov-kp) 207,360.00 207,764.19 -404.19
Bolton, Adam (sdss-kp) 1,451,520.00 676,341.64 775,178.36
Calaf, Marc (calaf-kp) 259,200.00 40,542.05 218,657.95
Facelli, Julio C. (facelli-kp) 311,040.00 304,376.10 6,663.90
Frost, Adam (frost-kp) 155,520.00 52,144.13 103,375.87
Gertz, Jason (gertz-kp) 129,600.00 2,932.54 126,667.46
Johnson, William P. (wjohnson-kp) 194,400.00 22,165.05 172,234.95
Kaplan, Jerry (kaplan-kp) 259,200.00 164,045.23 95,154.77
LeBohec, Stephan (lebohec-kp) 64,800.00 7,357.52 57,442.48
Lin, John C. (lin-kp) 777,600.00 316,213.52 461,386.48
Molinero, Valeria (molinero-kp) 518,400.00 421,912.13 96,487.87
owner-guest 0.00 2,269,557.81 0.00
Pu, Zhaoxia (zpu-kp) 362,880.00 67,467.63 295,412.37
Sigman, Matthew (sigman-kp) 64,800.00 9,339.25 55,460.75
Steele, Ryan P (steele-kp) 1,036,800.00 706,549.68 330,250.32
Strong, Courtenay (strong-kp) 259,200.00 1,588.90 257,611.10
Varley, Katherine (varley-kp) 129,600.00 66.92 129,533.08
Yandell, Mark (ucgd-kp) 1,814,400.00 534,595.80 1,279,804.20
Total Service Units 8,061,120.00 5,809,615.24 2,251,504.76
PI Ember (SUs) - Owner Nodes
Allocation Usage Balance
Avey, Lance (avey-em) 51,840.00 0.00 51,840.00
Baron, Riccardo (baron-em) 103,680.00 2,808.64 100,871.36
Bolton, Adam (bolton-em) 311,040.00 20,881.65 290,158.35
cheatham-em-gpu 155,520.00 0.00 155,520.00
Facelli, Julio C. (facelli-em) 25,920.00 2,809.40 23,110.60
Gregg, Christopher Thornton (gregg-em) 51,840.00 9,392.77 42,447.23
Kaplan, Jerry (kaplan-em) 362,880.00 135,669.38 227,210.62
owner-guest 0.00 773,335.02 0.00
Pu, Zhaoxia (zpu-em) 103,680.00 40,997.02 62,682.98
Smith, Philip J (smithp-guest) 0.00 230.16 0.00
Voelkerding, Karl (arup-em) 362,880.00 0.00 362,880.00
Voelkerding, Karl (voelk-em) 0.00 631.71 0.00
Yandell, Mark (yandell-em) 259,200.00 110,284.19 148,915.81
Total Service Units 1,788,480.00 1,097,039.94 691,440.06
osg Usage
Total Service Units 0.00
Last Updated: 1/7/25