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CHPC Usage by Project - Summer 2017

Last Updated: Sat Sep 30 2017 23:57:44

PI General Allocation Pool (SUs)
Allocation Ember Kingspeak Balance
Armentrout, Peter B. (armentro) 220,000.00 67,731.75 29,064.03 123,204.22
Bass, Brenda (bass) 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00
Bedrov, Dmitry (bedrov) 250,000.00 30,888.78 236,047.26 0.00
Bergman, Douglas (bergman) 100,000.00 39,541.27 1,824.06 58,634.67
Blair, Steve (blair) 45,000.00 0.00 6,048.89 38,951.11
bmi_facelli 125,000.00 4,299.48 6,206.01 114,494.51
bmi_lee 205,000.00 104,725.24 111,063.08 0.00
Boldyrev, Alexander (boldyrev) 35,000.00 340.33 0.00 34,659.67
Borisyuk, Alla (borisyuk) 0.00 6,507.13 5.61 0.00
Calaf, Marc (calaf) 60,000.00 0.00 5,258.64 54,741.36
Camp, Nicki (camp) 100,000.00 85,621.50 46,893.92 0.00
Cao, Erhu (cao) 40,000.00 0.00 0.01 39,999.99
Chandran, Ravi (chandran) 30,000.00 19,088.52 0.00 10,911.48
Cheatham, Thomas (cheatham) 0.00 4,772.53 0.49 0.00
Cheatham, Thomas (chpc) 0.00 8,922.12 1,435.10 0.00
Chow, Clement (chow) 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00
Coon, Hilary (coonh) 60,000.00 0.00 62,712.83 0.00
cs4230 0.00 0.00 5.42 0.00
Dere, Willard (dere) 70,000.00 104,262.07 14,666.16 0.00
DeTar, Carleton (detar) 135,000.00 0.00 0.00 135,000.00
ember-gpu 0.00 20,660.86 0.00 0.00
Facelli, Julio C. (facelli) 0.00 0.00 3,007.31 0.00
Farmer, Colleen (farmer) 25,000.00 0.00 26,077.50 0.00
Fejer, Bela G. (fejer) 0.00 50.88 0.00 0.00
Feng, Bingjian (feng) 30,000.00 227.63 73,020.20 0.00
Gompert, Zachariah (gompert) 38,000.00 0.00 15,268.58 22,731.42
Greene, Tom (greene) 30,000.00 4,737.53 21,986.28 3,276.19
Gruenwald, Michael (gruenwald) 250,000.00 295,535.23 29,506.51 0.00
Guilkey, James (guilkey) 95,000.00 10,233.90 0.00 84,766.10
Harman, Todd (harman) 160,000.00 20,376.89 0.00 139,623.11
Hill, Chris (hill) 40,000.00 0.00 18,124.23 21,875.77
Hooper, Justin (hooper) 40,000.00 13,132.35 7,511.56 19,356.09
Horel, John (horel) 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 50,000.00
Irons, Trevor P (irons) 30,000.00 0.00 398.77 29,601.23
Jennings, Skyler (jennings) 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00
Jeong, Eun-kee (jeong) 10,000.00 224.34 0.00 9,775.66
Jevremovic, Tatjanta (jevremovic) 0.00 7,223.98 68.97 0.00
Johnson, William P. (wjohnson) 3,600.00 0.00 0.00 3,600.00
Kapheim, Karen (kapheim) 65,000.00 0.00 50,524.36 14,475.64
Kardon, Gabrielle (kardon) 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00
kingspeak-gpu 0.00 0.00 76,103.08 0.00
Krueger, Steven K. (krueger) 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 10,000.00
Kursar, Thomas (kursar) 25,000.00 12,651.36 966.78 11,381.86
Liu, Feng (liu) 225,000.00 55,476.44 12,650.47 156,873.09
Louie, Janis (louie) 75,000.00 0.00 76,071.34 0.00
Ma, Huilian (mah) 30,000.00 0.00 32,161.54 0.00
McPherson, Brian James (mcpherson) 30,000.00 0.00 0.00 30,000.00
Metzger, Meredith (metzger) 55,000.00 0.00 0.26 54,999.74
Miller, J.D. (millerj) 6,000.00 2,429.76 806.49 2,763.75
Miller, Joel S. (millerjs) 40,000.00 0.00 0.00 40,000.00
Molinero, Valeria (molinero) 200,000.00 96,547.75 107,279.38 0.00
Monson, Ken (monson) 20,000.00 1.76 617.05 19,381.19
Nategh, Neda (nategh) 30,000.00 0.00 7,859.32 22,140.68
Orendt, Anita M (UVU) 0.00 0.00 0.54 0.00
Park, Keunhan (park) 60,000.00 0.00 17,253.95 42,746.05
Pezzolesi, Marcus Guy (pezzolesi) 30,000.00 15,074.25 9,544.02 5,381.73
Phillips, John (phillips) 20,000.00 0.00 68.80 19,931.20
Pu, Zhaoxia (zpu) 50,000.00 1,689.42 774.37 47,536.21
Quinlan, Aaron (quinlan) 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00
Raeymaekers, Bart (raeymaekers) 70,000.00 0.00 76,026.37 0.00
Reichler, Thomas (reichler) 185,000.00 191.15 136,188.90 48,619.95
Rogers, Alan (rogersa) 50,000.00 0.10 6,363.70 43,636.20
Round, June (round) 12,000.00 2,473.37 2,707.16 6,819.47
Sahraei-ardakani, Mostafa (ardakani) 20,000.00 11.44 14,164.14 5,824.42
Saouma, Caroline (saouma) 1,200.00 31.18 0.00 1,168.82
Schiffman, Joshua (schiffman) 75,000.00 0.00 35,984.02 39,015.98
Schmidt, Eric (schmidt) 18,000.00 0.00 2,138.03 15,861.97
Schurig, David (schurig) 0.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
Sensale Rodriguez, Berardi (sensale) 80,000.00 0.00 45,763.61 34,236.39
Shen, Peter (shen) 75,000.00 0.00 0.00 75,000.00
Sigman, Matthew (sigman) 230,000.00 157,708.53 38,741.38 33,550.09
Simpson, Jamesina (simpson) 60,000.00 67,268.92 0.00 0.00
Sohn, Hong Yong (sohn) 150,000.00 0.00 136,282.16 13,717.84
Sokolsky, Pierre (sokolsky) 25,000.00 23,911.22 2.18 1,086.60
Spear, Ashley (spear) 145,000.00 153,732.95 10,461.40 0.00
Stang, Peter (stang) 75,000.00 0.00 0.00 75,000.00
Steele, Ryan P (steele) 70,000.00 378.25 75,959.99 0.00
Steenburgh, W. James (steenbur) 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00
Stoll, James R (Rob) (stoll) 45,000.00 0.00 0.00 45,000.00
Stright, Lisa (stright) 30,000.00 138.19 0.00 29,861.81
Tan, Wenda (tanw) 50,000.00 961.43 6,350.82 42,687.75
Thorne, Michael (thorne) 51,500.00 0.00 52,916.26 0.00
Truong, Thanh N. (truong) 30,000.00 2,645.03 0.00 27,354.97
Wang, Simon S.-y. (wang) 0.00 2,780.40 22.73 0.00
Wolf, Paul (wolf) 5,000.00 1,310.86 0.00 3,689.14
Yandell, Mark (yandell) 0.00 8,503.01 2,478.83 0.00
Zhdanov, Michael (zhdanov) 45,000.00 2,324.83 5,958.90 36,716.27
Zheng, Zheng (zheng) 125,000.00 47,761.50 0.00 77,238.50
Zipser, Edward J. (zipser) 85,000.00 0.00 21,410.42 63,589.58
Total Service Units 5,150,300.00 1,505,107.86 1,778,804.17 1,866,387.97
Note - 9 Nov 2018: CHPC provides information on the owner group utilization data over the past two weeks. This can both assist users who may want to target specific nodes based on past utilization when running guest jobs and can also be used by the owner group to see usage patterns.

PI Kingspeak (SUs) - Owner Nodes
Allocation Usage Balance
arupbio-kp 0.00 192,916.09 0.00
balasubramonian-kp 0.00 1,236.98 0.00
Bedrov, Dmitry (bedrov-kp) 141,312.00 125,232.04 16,079.96
bmi_facelli-kp 211,968.00 106,298.38 105,669.62
Brownstein, Joel R (sdss-kp) 989,184.00 319,612.93 669,571.07
Brownstein, Joel R (sdss-kp-fast) 0.00 906.75 0.00
Calaf, Marc (calaf-kp) 176,640.00 42,614.11 134,025.89
camp-kp 247,296.00 207,385.90 39,910.10
carbon-kp 370,944.00 703.03 370,240.97
emcore-kp 105,984.00 251.96 105,732.04
Frost, Adam (frost-kp) 105,984.00 24,140.16 81,843.84
ganesh-kp 0.00 7,024.93 0.00
Gertz, Jason (gertz-kp) 211,968.00 10,738.25 201,229.75
gompert-kp 132,480.00 59,227.75 73,252.25
gregg-kp 61,824.00 12,588.82 49,235.18
gruenwald-kp 1,360,128.00 1,311,342.15 48,785.85
hall-kp 123,648.00 0.00 123,648.00
hci-collab 0.00 46,745.13 0.00
jennings-kp 61,824.00 50.55 61,773.45
Johnson, William P. (wjohnson-kp) 132,480.00 41,916.71 90,563.29
kapheim-kp 70,656.00 955.91 69,700.09
LeBohec, Stephan (lebohec-kp) 44,160.00 5,141.48 39,018.52
Lin, John C. (lin-kp) 529,920.00 258,978.13 270,941.87
mah-kp 52,992.00 23,069.29 29,922.71
Mansfield, Marc (mansfield-kp) 211,968.00 1.59 211,966.41
Mason, Clinton C. (mason-kp) 264,960.00 33,549.80 231,410.20
MechEng, USU (usumae-kp) 529,920.00 45,105.90 484,814.10
Molinero, Valeria (molinero-kp) 989,184.00 596,692.62 392,491.38
Nix, David (hci-kp) 635,904.00 208,634.83 427,269.17
owner-gpu-guest 0.00 69,072.14 0.00
owner-guest 0.00 5,405,781.61 0.00
Pennell, Chris (avey-kp) 44,160.00 0.00 44,160.00
Pennell, Chris (daq-kp) 123,648.00 56,547.02 67,100.98
Pu, Zhaoxia (zpu-kp) 671,232.00 54,005.28 617,226.72
Quinlan, Aaron (quinlan-kp) 282,624.00 45,406.33 237,217.67
rogersa-kp 370,944.00 55,175.90 315,768.10
schiffman-kp 370,944.00 101,872.21 269,071.79
schmidt-kp 61,824.00 25,934.75 35,889.25
Sigman, Matthew (sigman-kp) 105,984.00 58,945.40 47,038.60
soc-gpu-kp 0.00 31,483.32 0.00
soc-kp 741,888.00 115,971.10 625,916.90
Steele, Ryan P (steele-kp) 706,560.00 595,427.11 111,132.89
Strong, Courtenay (strong-kp) 485,760.00 169,605.48 316,154.52
strong-kochan-kp 0.00 44,978.38 0.00
sundar-kp 0.00 2,834.25 0.00
Tavtigian, Sean (tavtigian-kp) 52,992.00 17,335.09 35,656.91
usubio-kp 185,472.00 17,450.34 168,021.66
Varley, Katherine (varley-kp) 211,968.00 23,869.17 188,098.83
Voelkerding, Karl (arup-kp) 794,880.00 0.00 794,880.00
wolf-kp 61,824.00 10,598.21 51,225.79
Yandell, Mark (ucgd-kp) 2,720,256.00 1,722,373.64 997,882.36
Total Service Units 15,756,288.00 12,307,728.90 3,448,559.10
PI Ember (SUs) - Owner Nodes
Allocation Usage Balance
arupbio-em 0.00 6,927.84 0.00
arupres-em 0.00 0.70 0.00
bmi_facelli-em 0.00 1,225.40 0.00
Brownstein, Joel R (bolton-em) 317,952.00 5,185.12 312,766.88
cheatham-em-gpu 132,480.00 0.00 132,480.00
fischer-em 70,656.00 0.62 70,655.38
Gregg, Christopher Thornton (gregg-em) 52,992.00 1,614.39 51,377.61
hci-collab 0.00 18,738.48 0.00
Nix, David (hci-em) 370,944.00 72,689.80 298,254.20
owner-guest 0.00 1,305,149.24 0.00
Pennell, Chris (avey-em) 52,992.00 1,575.14 51,416.86
Pu, Zhaoxia (zpu-em) 105,984.00 2,139.67 103,844.33
usu-em 1,271,808.00 810,379.20 461,428.80
usupsych-em 0.00 4,802.07 0.00
Voelkerding, Karl (arup-em) 370,944.00 0.00 370,944.00
Yandell, Mark (yandell-em) 264,960.00 34.33 264,925.67
Total Service Units 3,011,712.00 2,230,462.00 781,250.00
osg Usage
ember-osg 138,553.49
kingspeak-osg 59,669.11
Total Service Units 198,222.60
Last Updated: 1/7/25