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CHPC Usage by Project - Winter 2017

Last Updated: Fri Mar 31 2017 23:56:06

PI General Allocation Pool (SUs)
Allocation Ember Kingspeak Balance
Abbott, Jake (abbott) 30,000.00 6,696.57 0.46 23,302.97
Anderegg, William (anderegg) 25,000.00 0.01 0.04 24,999.95
Armentrout, Peter B. (armentro) 212,000.00 122,068.42 94,903.62 0.00
Bass, Brenda (bass) 25,000.00 0.05 0.00 24,999.95
Bedrov, Dmitry (bedrov) 250,000.00 0.09 227,719.29 22,280.62
Bergman, Douglas (bergman) 200,000.00 0.00 0.00 200,000.00
Blair, Steve (blair) 60,000.00 0.00 0.64 59,999.36
bmi_lee 30,000.00 18,399.66 16,802.42 0.00
Boldyrev, Alexander (boldyrev) 35,000.00 0.30 0.00 34,999.70
Borisyuk, Alla (borisyuk) 0.00 4,043.77 7.57 0.00
Brannon, Rebecca (brannon) 65,000.00 0.00 0.00 65,000.00
Calaf, Marc (calaf) 170,000.00 0.00 120,207.63 49,792.37
Camp, Nicki (camp) 100,000.00 5,619.96 34,286.68 60,093.36
Cannon-Albright, Lisa (lisaca) 30,000.00 0.00 0.00 30,000.00
Cao, Erhu (cao) 40,000.00 0.00 0.00 40,000.00
Cheatham, Thomas (cheatham) 170,000.00 1,397.61 135.64 168,466.75
Cheatham, Thomas (chpc) 0.00 7,602.51 3,347.63 0.00
Chow, Clement (chow) 30,000.00 0.00 135.62 29,864.38
Coon, Hilary (coonh) 60,000.00 0.00 78,805.30 0.00
cs4230 0.00 0.00 728.12 0.00
cs6230 0.00 0.00 97.24 0.00
cs7940 0.00 0.00 24.30 0.00
Dawson, Kyle (dawson) 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00
Dere, Willard (dere) 70,000.00 3,862.50 30,651.70 35,485.80
DeTar, Carleton (detar) 150,000.00 122,685.32 9,957.34 17,357.34
Dorval, Chuck (dorval) 27,000.00 292.90 246.57 26,460.53
ember-gpu 0.00 109,679.81 0.00 0.00
Facelli, Julio C. (facelli) 125,000.00 1,975.61 1,169.66 121,854.73
Farmer, Colleen (farmer) 30,000.00 3.64 3,633.89 26,362.47
Feng, Bingjian (feng) 30,000.00 8,376.37 9,541.16 12,082.47
Francoeur, Mathieu (francoeur) 500.00 0.00 23.80 476.20
Gompert, Zachariah (gompert) 48,000.00 33,792.97 48,380.15 0.00
Greene, Tom (greene) 15,000.00 253.83 0.00 14,746.17
Gruenwald, Michael (gruenwald) 150,000.00 92,803.14 83,424.43 0.00
Hill, Chris (hill) 30,000.00 0.00 2,620.09 27,379.91
Hooper, Justin (hooper) 40,000.00 0.00 7,038.12 32,961.88
Horel, John (horel) 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 50,000.00
Irons, Trevor P (irons) 30,000.00 0.00 553.77 29,446.23
Jennings, Skyler (jennings) 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00
Jeong, Eun-kee (jeong) 10,000.00 0.83 0.00 9,999.17
Jevremovic, Tatjanta (jevremovic) 30,000.00 0.00 0.00 30,000.00
Johnson, William P. (wjohnson) 3,600.00 0.00 0.00 3,600.00
Kapheim, Karen (kapheim) 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00
Kardon, Gabrielle (kardon) 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00
Kieber-emmons, Matthew (kieber-emmons) 40,000.00 30.74 11,297.95 28,671.31
kingspeak-gpu 0.00 0.00 123,854.01 0.00
Koebbe, Joe (koebbe) 30,000.00 0.00 7,672.46 22,327.54
Krueger, Steven K. (krueger) 12,500.00 0.00 1,744.09 10,755.91
Kursar, Thomas (kursar) 25,000.00 2,242.75 384.04 22,373.21
Liu, Feng (liu) 175,000.00 177,673.59 3,873.98 0.00
Ma, Huilian (mah) 25,000.00 0.00 25,227.82 0.00
McPherson, Brian James (mcpherson) 30,000.00 0.00 0.00 30,000.00
Miller, J.D. (millerj) 6,000.00 15.69 0.00 5,984.31
Miller, Joel S. (millerjs) 35,000.00 0.00 0.00 35,000.00
Molinero, Valeria (molinero) 300,000.00 112,274.19 144,102.48 43,623.33
Monson, Ken (monson) 20,000.00 0.00 0.02 19,999.98
owner-gpu-guest 0.00 0.00 2.91 0.00
Pantelides, Chris (pantelides) 30,000.00 0.00 0.00 30,000.00
Park, Keunhan (park) 60,000.00 0.00 74,571.29 0.00
Pearse, William David (pearse) 30,000.00 0.00 149.72 29,850.28
Phillips, John (phillips) 30,000.00 0.00 959.82 29,040.18
Pu, Zhaoxia (zpu) 77,000.00 0.00 143.10 76,856.90
Quinlan, Aaron (quinlan) 0.00 2,909.23 17.54 0.00
Raeymaekers, Bart (raeymaekers) 70,000.00 0.00 47,540.21 22,459.79
Reichler, Thomas (reichler) 200,000.00 830.45 105,869.01 93,300.54
Rogers, Alan (rogersa) 50,000.00 10,867.39 41,161.24 0.00
Round, June (round) 12,000.00 3,921.55 1,995.95 6,082.50
Sahraei-ardakani, Mostafa (ardakani) 20,000.00 0.00 15,852.25 4,147.75
Schmidt, Eric (schmidt) 25,000.00 0.00 298.17 24,701.83
Sensale Rodriguez, Berardi (sensale) 55,000.00 74,514.40 1,544.36 0.00
Shen, Peter (shen) 75,000.00 0.00 17,157.40 57,842.60
Sigman, Matthew (sigman) 225,000.00 238,045.96 19,028.88 0.00
Simpson, Jamesina (simpson) 60,000.00 70,756.28 22,324.16 0.00
Sohn, Hong Yong (sohn) 100,000.00 0.00 35,929.82 64,070.18
Sokolsky, Pierre (sokolsky) 30,000.00 0.00 0.00 30,000.00
Spear, Ashley (spear) 75,000.00 1,709.48 38,495.01 34,795.51
Stang, Peter (stang) 75,000.00 0.00 18,004.00 56,996.00
Steele, Ryan P (steele) 75,000.00 10,337.33 23,942.47 40,720.20
Steenburgh, W. James (steenbur) 25,000.00 0.00 9,314.29 15,685.71
Stoll, James R (Rob) (stoll) 70,000.00 64,939.41 11,809.07 0.00
Stright, Lisa (stright) 30,000.00 0.00 4,414.71 25,585.29
Strong, Courtenay (strong) 250,000.00 0.00 142,294.24 107,705.76
Sutherland, James (sutherla) 0.00 14.51 0.00 0.00
Tan, Wenda (tanw) 50,000.00 2,743.76 93.81 47,162.43
Thorne, Michael (thorne) 45,000.00 0.00 26,171.77 18,828.23
Truong, Thanh N. (truong) 30,000.00 5,136.56 0.00 24,863.44
ucgd-owner-guest 0.00 0.00 8,410.60 0.00
Von Arnim, Rudiger (vonarnim) 30,000.00 0.00 0.00 30,000.00
Wang, Simon S.-y. (wang) 0.00 427.51 0.63 0.00
Wolf, Paul (wolf) 65,000.00 16,954.67 932.97 47,112.36
Wuebker, Robert (wuebker) 0.00 0.00 198.86 0.00
Yandell, Mark (yandell) 0.00 23,611.75 2,919.36 0.00
Zhdanov, Michael (zhdanov) 70,000.00 311.64 1,911.82 67,776.54
Zheng, Zheng (zheng) 132,000.00 0.00 0.00 132,000.00
Zipser, Edward J. (zipser) 60,000.00 0.00 14,660.78 45,339.22
Total Service Units 5,375,600.00 1,359,824.71 1,780,719.95 2,235,055.34
Note - 9 Nov 2018: CHPC provides information on the owner group utilization data over the past two weeks. This can both assist users who may want to target specific nodes based on past utilization when running guest jobs and can also be used by the owner group to see usage patterns.

PI Kingspeak (SUs) - Owner Nodes
Allocation Usage Balance
arupbio-kp 0.00 72,191.92 0.00
arupres-kp 0.00 7,220.08 0.00
balasubramonian-kp 0.00 535.19 0.00
Bedrov, Dmitry (bedrov-kp) 138,240.00 101,786.42 36,453.58
Brownstein, Joel R (sdss-kp) 967,680.00 219,628.16 748,051.84
Brownstein, Joel R (sdss-kp-fast) 0.00 4,868.28 0.00
Calaf, Marc (calaf-kp) 172,800.00 96,731.19 76,068.81
camp 181,440.00 0.00 181,440.00
camp-kp 241,920.00 44,408.95 197,511.05
emcore-kp 103,680.00 6,964.52 96,715.48
Facelli, Julio C. (facelli-kp) 207,360.00 150,262.48 57,097.52
Frost, Adam (frost-kp) 103,680.00 23,457.05 80,222.95
ganesh-kp 0.00 1,616.86 0.00
Gertz, Jason (gertz-kp) 207,360.00 9,714.39 197,645.61
gompert-kp 129,600.00 49,678.39 79,921.61
gregg-kp 60,480.00 4,826.12 55,653.88
gruenwald-kp 1,330,560.00 1,213,403.17 117,156.83
hall-gpu-kp 0.00 0.13 0.00
hall-kp 120,960.00 0.00 120,960.00
Johnson, William P. (wjohnson-kp) 129,600.00 32,591.47 97,008.53
kapheim-kp 69,120.00 7,994.55 61,125.45
LeBohec, Stephan (lebohec-kp) 43,200.00 12,320.14 30,879.86
Lin, John C. (lin-kp) 518,400.00 164,817.31 353,582.69
mah-kp 51,840.00 22,636.46 29,203.54
Mansfield, Marc (mansfield-kp) 207,360.00 3,958.11 203,401.89
Mason, Clinton C. (mason-kp) 259,200.00 38,548.01 220,651.99
MechEng, USU (usumae-kp) 518,400.00 278,436.49 239,963.51
Milash, Brett (hci-kp) 622,080.00 141,662.32 480,417.68
Molinero, Valeria (molinero-kp) 967,680.00 638,555.23 329,124.77
owner-guest 0.00 7,245,329.61 0.00
Pennell, Chris (avey-kp) 43,200.00 0.00 43,200.00
Pennell, Chris (daq-kp) 120,960.00 13,473.52 107,486.48
Pu, Zhaoxia (zpu-kp) 656,640.00 220,079.08 436,560.92
Quinlan, Aaron (quinlan-kp) 276,480.00 6,873.14 269,606.86
rogersa-kp 181,440.00 24,308.53 157,131.47
schiffman-kp 362,880.00 116,702.35 246,177.65
Sigman, Matthew (sigman-kp) 103,680.00 66,957.31 36,722.69
soc-gpu-kp 0.00 36.61 0.00
soc-kp 725,760.00 83,381.45 642,378.55
Steele, Ryan P (steele-kp) 691,200.00 372,957.95 318,242.05
Strong, Courtenay (strong-kp) 475,200.00 34,902.27 440,297.73
Tavtigian, Sean (tavtigian-kp) 51,840.00 1,396.09 50,443.91
Varley, Katherine (varley-kp) 207,360.00 15,049.28 192,310.72
Voelkerding, Karl (arup-kp) 777,600.00 0.00 777,600.00
Yandell, Mark (ucgd-kp) 2,661,120.00 938,822.59 1,722,297.41
Total Service Units 14,688,000.00 12,489,083.17 2,198,916.83
PI Ember (SUs) - Owner Nodes
Allocation Usage Balance
arupbio-em 0.00 15,029.90 0.00
arupres-em 0.00 57.07 0.00
Brownstein, Joel R (bolton-em) 311,040.00 2,233.91 308,806.09
cheatham-em-gpu 129,600.00 0.00 129,600.00
Facelli, Julio C. (facelli-em) 0.00 4,063.69 0.00
Gregg, Christopher Thornton (gregg-em) 51,840.00 4,124.58 47,715.42
Milash, Brett (hci-em) 362,880.00 84,129.50 278,750.50
owner-guest 0.00 875,349.09 0.00
Pennell, Chris (avey-em) 51,840.00 307.03 51,532.97
Pu, Zhaoxia (zpu-em) 103,680.00 0.00 103,680.00
usu-em 1,244,160.00 488,561.93 755,598.07
usumae-em 0.00 50,934.69 0.00
usupsych-em 0.00 0.04 0.00
Voelkerding, Karl (arup-em) 362,880.00 0.00 362,880.00
Yandell, Mark (yandell-em) 259,200.00 22,829.60 236,370.40
Total Service Units 2,877,120.00 1,547,621.03 1,329,498.97
osg Usage
ember-osg 1,382,645.55
kingspeak-osg 1,775,616.69
Total Service Units 3,158,262.24
Last Updated: 1/7/25