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CHPC Usage by Project - Summer 2019

Last Updated: Mon Sep 30 2019 23:58:58

PI General Allocation Pool (SUs)
Allocation Notchpeak Kingspeak Balance
Abdelrahman, Samir (BMI_Abdelrahman) 0.00 0.00 1.97 0.00
Adams, Daniel Ohare (adams) 20,000.00 0.00 1,814.98 18,185.02
Adler, Frederick (adlerf) 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00
Armentrout, Peter B. (armentro) 170,000.00 75,039.49 94,918.02 42.49
Barlow, Evan Tolman (barlow) 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00
Bass, Brenda (bass) 15,000.00 0.00 0.22 14,999.78
Bedrov, Dmitry (bedrov) 200,000.00 183,264.91 75.49 16,659.60
Bergman, Douglas (bergman) 70,000.00 1,966.21 10,713.84 57,319.95
Bidone, Tamara C (bidone) 160,000.00 238,304.07 91,727.18 0.00
Boldyrev, Alexander (boldyrev) 95,000.00 52,067.69 46,711.75 0.00
Borisyuk, Alla (borisyuk) 0.00 533.96 615.21 0.00
Bowles, Robert (bowles) 0.00 55.13 71.97 0.00
Calaf, Marc (calaf) 180,000.00 0.00 108,787.88 71,212.12
Camp, Nicki (camp) 100,000.00 55,035.30 66,199.28 0.00
Caron, Sophie (caron) 20,000.00 96.11 2,051.99 17,851.90
Cheatham, Tom (cheatham) 25,000.00 0.00 113.82 24,886.18
Cheatham, Tom (chpc) 0.00 21,374.90 881.48 0.00
Chow, Clement (chow) 20,000.00 0.00 5,580.05 14,419.95
Clayton, Dale (clayton) 10,000.00 4,652.41 173.73 5,173.86
Codding, Brian Frank (codding) 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00
Coley, Phyllis (coley) 10,000.00 10,823.34 633.86 0.00
Coon, Hilary (coonh) 80,000.00 0.00 2,122.78 77,877.22
Deo, Milind D. (deo) 125,000.00 0.00 3,820.98 121,179.02
DeTar, Carleton (detar) 95,000.00 0.00 10,476.97 84,523.03
Doherty, Jennifer Anne (doherty) 20,000.00 17.10 418.93 19,563.97
Elde, Nels (elde) 30,000.00 0.00 3,819.78 26,180.22
Facelli, Julio C. (BMI_Facelli) 120,000.00 0.00 12.26 119,987.74
Farmer, Colleen (farmer) 155,000.00 88,817.45 25,470.26 40,712.29
Feng, Bingjian (feng) 35,000.00 0.00 2,691.11 32,308.89
Forster, Richard (rforster) 0.00 0.00 894.98 0.00
Francoeur, Mathieu (francoeur) 0.00 30,881.42 3,845.99 0.00
Fu, Henry Chien (hfu) 20,000.00 0.00 1,184.02 18,815.98
Gagnon, James (gagnon) 20,000.00 40.87 98.66 19,860.47
Gompert, Zachariah (gompert) 45,000.00 0.00 4,554.90 40,445.10
Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh (ganesh) 0.00 0.00 102.28 0.00
Greene, Tom (greene) 100,000.00 0.00 954.29 99,045.71
Gruenwald, Michael (gruenwald) 100,000.00 71,328.10 15,169.75 13,502.15
Guilkey, James (guilkey) 0.00 6.32 0.00 0.00
Hall, Mary (hall) 0.00 32.12 0.11 0.00
Harman, Todd (harman) 150,000.00 102,474.78 42,005.61 5,519.61
Hill, Chris (hill) 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00
Hochhalter, Jacob (hochhalter) 55,000.00 0.00 13,620.72 41,379.28
Hoepfner, Michael (hoepfner) 70,000.00 0.00 16,867.96 53,132.04
Horel, John (horel) 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00
Jeong, Eun-kee (jeong) 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00
Johnson, Sean (johnsons) 20,000.00 7,776.34 3,825.10 8,398.56
Johnson, William P. (wjohnson) 3,600.00 0.00 2,153.58 1,446.42
Jones, Makoto M (jonesm) 35,000.00 0.00 0.00 35,000.00
Kapheim, Karen (kapheim) 25,000.00 0.00 2,008.26 22,991.74
Kardon, Gabrielle (kardon) 3,750.00 0.00 0.08 3,749.92
Kieber-emmons, Matthew (kieber-emmons) 160,000.00 20,754.82 67,738.69 71,506.49
kingspeak-gpu 0.00 0.00 53,463.58 0.00
Kirby, Robert M. (mike) (kirbym) 0.00 0.00 46.26 0.00
Leang, Kam K (leang) 0.00 6,522.75 353.38 0.00
Lee, Younghee (BMI_Lee) 150,000.00 948.31 20,338.18 128,713.51
Leung, Daniel (leung) 0.00 0.00 40.63 0.00
Li, Man (manli) 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00
Liu, Feng (liu) 225,000.00 0.00 13,002.63 211,997.37
Lund, Matthew (lund) 0.00 1,920.17 0.00 0.00
Ma, Huilian (mah) 45,000.00 0.00 15,355.31 29,644.69
Metzger, Meredith (metzger) 55,000.00 7,601.39 2,262.35 45,136.26
Miller, J.D. (millerj) 0.00 0.00 3,176.31 0.00
Minteer, Shelley (minteer) 60,000.00 8,537.57 22,342.18 29,120.25
Mohanty, Swomitra K (mohanty) 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 10,000.00
Molinero, Valeria (molinero) 0.00 26,295.39 2,880.28 0.00
Monson, Ken (monson) 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00
Moon, Kevin (moon) 0.00 0.00 140.99 0.00
Nategh, Neda (nategh) 190,000.00 0.00 14,573.38 175,426.62
notchpeak-gpu 0.00 430,693.15 0.00 0.00
notchpeak-shared-short 0.00 24,471.66 0.00 0.00
Noudoost, Behrad (noudoost) 150,000.00 121,345.46 139,125.90 0.00
O'connell, Ryan (oconnell) 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00
Pezzolesi, Marcus Guy (pezzolesi) 70,000.00 11,775.94 0.00 58,224.06
Pu, Zhaoxia (zpu) 165,000.00 80,358.98 89,096.67 0.00
Raeymaekers, Bart (raeymaekers) 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00
Rao, Yi (yrao) 65,000.00 32.25 20,223.48 44,744.27
Reichler, Thomas (reichler) 165,000.00 45,291.69 8,752.18 110,956.13
Rogers, Alan (rogersa) 95,000.00 53,458.34 50,681.37 0.00
Round, June (round) 20,000.00 10,344.83 0.00 9,655.17
Rutter, Jared (rutter) 30,000.00 287.00 11,513.29 18,199.71
Sandick, Pearl (sandick) 5,000.00 0.00 4,579.77 420.23
Schmidt, Eric (schmidt) 30,000.00 0.00 15,961.13 14,038.87
Shapiro, Michael (shapiro) 20,000.00 0.00 20,183.81 0.00
Shen, Peter (shen) 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00
Sigman, Matthew (sigman) 190,000.00 99,742.40 105,817.99 0.00
Simpson, Jamesina (simpson) 45,000.00 0.00 10,962.93 34,037.07
Sohn, Hong Yong (sohn) 150,000.00 0.00 0.00 150,000.00
Sokolsky, Pierre (sokolsky) 50,000.00 84,820.05 80,512.05 0.00
Spear, Ashley (spear) 115,000.00 94,500.54 3,222.45 17,277.01
Spike, Benjamin (spike) 0.00 24.80 0.00 0.00
Steele, Ryan P (steele) 0.00 15,720.03 22,146.97 0.00
Steenburgh, W. James (steenbur) 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00
Stright, Lisa (stright) 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00
Sutherland, James (sutherla) 0.00 57,271.78 28,711.55 0.00
Swanson-voth, Jessica (swanson-voth) 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00
Tan, Wenda (tanw) 50,000.00 40,075.19 13,747.28 0.00
Tarboton, David (tarboton) 20,000.00 1,203.11 10,400.99 8,395.90
Thorne, Michael (thorne) 100,000.00 0.00 0.00 100,000.00
Wachowiak, Dale M (wachowiak) 5,000.00 0.00 4,948.02 51.98
Wang, Simon S.-y. (wang) 0.00 0.00 18.36 0.00
Zangle, Thomas (zangle) 0.00 0.00 182.41 0.00
Zasowski, Gail (zasowski) 25,000.00 0.00 28,012.71 0.00
Zhdanov, Michael (zhdanov) 60,000.00 3,405.96 859.70 55,734.34
Zipser, Edward J. (zipser) 60,000.00 2,874.96 975.76 56,149.28
Total Service Units 5,243,350.00 2,194,866.54 1,473,543.00 1,574,940.46
Note - 9 Nov 2018: CHPC provides information on the owner group utilization data over the past two weeks. This can both assist users who may want to target specific nodes based on past utilization when running guest jobs and can also be used by the owner group to see usage patterns.

PI Kingspeak (SUs) - Owner Nodes
Allocation Usage Balance
(usumae-kp) 529,920.00 2,824.50 527,095.50
arupbio-kp 0.00 110,698.62 0.00
Bedrov, Dmitry (bedrov-kp) 141,312.00 75,433.67 65,878.33
biostats-kp 0.00 4,805.45 0.00
bmi_facelli-kp 211,968.00 39,793.40 172,174.60
Brownstein, Joel R (sdss-kp) 989,184.00 343,337.96 645,846.04
Calaf, Marc (calaf-kp) 176,640.00 38,735.10 137,904.90
camp-kp 247,296.00 68,448.24 178,847.76
carbon-kp 370,944.00 1,765.59 369,178.41
Daher, Nancy (daq-kp) 123,648.00 71,707.21 51,940.79
emcore-kp 105,984.00 11,141.97 94,842.03
Frost, Adam (frost-kp) 105,984.00 0.00 105,984.00
ganesh-kp 0.00 16,550.22 0.00
Gertz, Jason (gertz-kp) 211,968.00 12,282.22 199,685.78
gompert-kp 132,480.00 26,981.16 105,498.84
gregg-kp 61,824.00 7,846.18 53,977.82
gruenwald-kp 1,360,128.00 1,032,409.71 327,718.29
hall-gpu-kp 123,648.00 8,547.90 115,100.10
hci-collab 0.00 5,636.29 0.00
jennings-kp 61,824.00 0.00 61,824.00
Johnson, William P. (wjohnson-kp) 132,480.00 23,637.48 108,842.52
kanda-kp 141,312.00 0.00 141,312.00
kapheim-kp 70,656.00 367.45 70,288.55
kochanski-kp 247,296.00 2,444.22 244,851.78
LeBohec, Stephan (lebohec-kp) 44,160.00 7,708.98 36,451.02
Lin, John C. (lin-kp) 529,920.00 118,999.10 410,920.90
mah-kp 52,992.00 14,107.93 38,884.07
Mansfield, Marc (mansfield-kp) 211,968.00 29,734.52 182,233.48
Mason, Clinton C. (mason-kp) 264,960.00 1,161.87 263,798.13
Molinero, Valeria (molinero-kp) 989,184.00 551,540.06 437,643.94
Nix, David (hci-kp) 635,904.00 78,867.56 557,036.44
owner-gpu-guest 0.00 148,574.69 0.00
owner-guest 0.00 6,214,771.74 0.00
Pennell, Chris (avey-kp) 44,160.00 0.00 44,160.00
Pu, Zhaoxia (zpu-kp) 671,232.00 438,323.03 232,908.97
rogersa-kp 370,944.00 97,376.04 273,567.96
schiffman-kp 370,944.00 0.00 370,944.00
schmidt-kp 61,824.00 20,988.14 40,835.86
Sigman, Matthew (sigman-kp) 105,984.00 58,469.21 47,514.79
soc-gpu-kp 123,648.00 70,383.16 53,264.84
soc-kp 741,888.00 120,119.01 621,768.99
Steele, Ryan P (steele-kp) 706,560.00 626,309.47 80,250.53
Strong, Courtenay (strong-kp) 362,112.00 50,899.36 311,212.64
strong-kochan-kp 0.00 25,508.15 0.00
Tavtigian, Sean (tavtigian-kp) 52,992.00 8.24 52,983.76
usubio-kp 185,472.00 20,993.06 164,478.94
Varley, Katherine (varley-kp) 211,968.00 25,803.24 186,164.76
venkatasu-kp 0.00 0.28 0.00
Voelkerding, Karl (arup-kp) 794,880.00 0.00 794,880.00
wolf-kp 61,824.00 4,421.94 57,402.06
Total Service Units 13,142,016.00 10,630,463.32 2,511,552.68
Note - 9 Nov 2018: CHPC provides information on the owner group utilization data over the past two weeks. This can both assist users who may want to target specific nodes based on past utilization when running guest jobs and can also be used by the owner group to see usage patterns.

PI Notchpeak (SUs) - Owner Nodes
Allocation Usage Balance
anderegg-np 211,968.00 30,747.79 181,220.21
bedrov-np 353,280.00 43,556.66 309,723.34
boldyrev-np 211,968.00 86,480.54 125,487.46
civil-np 300,288.00 73,561.35 226,726.65
cryoem-gpu-np 70,656.00 25,164.40 45,491.60
daq-np 176,640.00 0.00 176,640.00
deo-np 529,920.00 71,034.19 458,885.81
efd-np 512,256.00 128,021.96 384,234.04
farmer-np 70,656.00 18,628.68 52,027.32
gnosis-gpu-np 88,320.00 1,226.36 87,093.64
gnosis-np 1,059,840.00 0.00 1,059,840.00
gruenwald-gpu-np 0.00 8,828.73 0.00
gruenwald-np 35,328.00 0.00 35,328.00
hoepfner-np 353,280.00 863.61 352,416.39
mansfield-np 88,320.00 1,107.54 87,212.46
molinero-np 141,312.00 25,102.89 116,209.11
newell-np 176,640.00 1,039.40 175,600.60
owner-gpu-guest 0.00 172,034.96 0.00
owner-guest 0.00 2,848,774.76 0.00
pezzolesi-np 70,656.00 17,592.05 53,063.95
round-np 70,656.00 5,044.35 65,611.65
saffarian-np 282,624.00 41,397.53 241,226.47
sigman-np 1,413,120.00 615,379.00 797,741.00
sjones-np 264,960.00 0.00 264,960.00
solidmech-np 600,576.00 171,923.12 428,652.88
stoll-np 88,320.00 0.00 88,320.00
uspcasw-np 529,920.00 91,841.14 438,078.86
usuclimo-np 264,960.00 0.00 264,960.00
usumae-np 211,968.00 0.00 211,968.00
yzhao-np 44,160.00 0.00 44,160.00
yzhou-gpu-np 0.00 9,070.99 0.00
zpu-np 918,528.00 308,644.88 609,883.12
Total Service Units 9,141,120.00 4,797,066.88 4,344,053.12
osg Usage
kingspeak-osg 143,498.47
notchpeak-osg 378,849.19
Total Service Units 522,347.66
Last Updated: 1/7/25