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CHPC Usage by Project - Spring 2020

Last Updated: Wed Jul 01 2020 00:07:50

PI General Allocation Pool (SUs)
Allocation Notchpeak Balance
Adams, Daniel Ohare (adams) 20,000.00 0.00 20,000.00
Anderegg, William (anderegg) 75,000.00 0.00 75,000.00
Armentrout, Peter B. (armentro) 180,000.00 231,273.86 0.00
Bass, Brenda (bass) 15,000.00 16,920.62 0.00
Bedrov, Dmitry (bedrov) 200,000.00 127,039.31 72,960.69
Bergman, Douglas (bergman) 90,000.00 2,131.07 87,868.93
Bettini, Matthew (bettini) 10,000.00 0.00 10,000.00
Bidone, Tamara C (bidone) 120,000.00 13,553.90 106,446.10
Blair, Steve (blair) 15,000.00 0.02 14,999.98
Boldyrev, Alexander (boldyrev) 170,000.00 127,863.52 42,136.48
Borisyuk, Alla (borisyuk) 0.00 680.44 0.00
Brownstein, Joel R (brownstein) 20,000.00 17,035.33 2,964.67
Burrows, Cynthia (burrows) 20,000.00 0.00 20,000.00
Calaf, Marc (calaf) 185,000.00 746,036.56 0.00
Camp, Nicki (camp) 85,000.00 4,043.84 80,956.16
Cheatham, Tom (cheatham) 180,000.00 25,842.74 154,157.26
Cheatham, Tom (chpc) 0.00 27,966.34 0.00
Chow, Clement (chow) 20,000.00 0.00 20,000.00
Clark, Nathan (clarkn) 20,000.00 41,583.56 0.00
Clark, Richard Michael (clarkr) 0.00 747.60 0.00
Clayton, Dale (clayton) 10,000.00 12,771.43 0.00
Codding, Brian Frank (codding) 20,000.00 0.00 20,000.00
Coley, Phyllis (coley) 20,000.00 5,664.63 14,335.37
Coon, Hilary (coonh) 80,000.00 0.00 80,000.00
Deo, Milind D. (deo) 110,000.00 0.00 110,000.00
DeTar, Carleton (detar) 100,000.00 0.00 100,000.00
Doherty, Jennifer Anne (doherty) 20,000.00 0.00 20,000.00
Elde, Nels (elde) 30,000.00 12,395.55 17,604.45
Facelli, Julio C. (BMI_Facelli) 100,000.00 152.72 99,847.28
Farmer, Colleen (farmer) 100,000.00 78,578.14 21,421.86
Feng, Bingjian (feng) 20,000.00 0.00 20,000.00
Forster, Richard (rforster) 0.00 430.43 0.00
Francoeur, Mathieu (francoeur) 150,000.00 73,749.88 76,250.12
Fu, Henry Chien (hfu) 20,000.00 0.00 20,000.00
Gagnon, James (gagnon) 20,000.00 0.00 20,000.00
Ganguli, Rajive (ganguli) 0.00 317.65 0.00
Gompert, Zachariah (gompert) 36,000.00 0.00 36,000.00
Gruenwald, Michael (gruenwald) 170,000.00 252,242.08 0.00
Harman, Todd (harman) 175,000.00 229,489.80 0.00
Hochhalter, Jacob (hochhalter) 0.00 24,159.68 0.00
Horel, John (horel) 10,000.00 64.37 9,935.63
Jeong, Eun-kee (jeong) 20,000.00 24,404.83 0.00
Johnson, Sean (johnsons) 20,000.00 0.00 20,000.00
Jones, Makoto M (jonesm) 40,000.00 0.00 40,000.00
Jones, Scott Bearnson (sjones) 15,000.00 0.00 15,000.00
Kapheim, Karen (kapheim) 30,000.00 34,033.66 0.00
Kardon, Gabrielle (kardon) 3,750.00 0.00 3,750.00
Kieber-emmons, Matthew (kieber-emmons) 0.00 99,455.65 0.00
Kochanski, Adam (kochanski) 0.00 16,144.75 0.00
Leang, Kam K (leang) 0.00 266.42 0.00
Lee, Younghee (BMI_Lee) 120,000.00 3.44 119,996.56
Lin, John C. (lin) 0.00 10,313.96 0.00
Liu, Feng (liu) 200,000.00 126,552.91 73,447.09
Longino, John (longino) 20,000.00 0.00 20,000.00
Lund, Matthew (lund) 0.00 14.74 0.00
Ma, Huilian (mah) 45,000.00 0.00 45,000.00
Manlove, Kezia (manlove) 10,000.00 0.00 10,000.00
Menon, Rajesh (menon) 35,000.00 5.31 34,994.69
Metzger, Meredith (metzger) 50,000.00 21,216.72 28,783.28
Minteer, Shelley (minteer) 50,000.00 0.00 50,000.00
Mock, Karen (mock) 20,000.00 0.00 20,000.00
Molinero, Valeria (molinero) 150,000.00 114,203.86 35,796.14
Monson, Ken (monson) 20,000.00 21,041.66 0.00
Nategh, Neda (nategh) 180,000.00 209,863.42 0.00
Norton, Jeanette (norton) 20,000.00 0.00 20,000.00
notchpeak-gpu 0.00 371,052.80 0.00
notchpeak-shared-short 0.00 52,080.69 0.00
Noudoost, Behrad (noudoost) 170,000.00 229,972.05 0.00
O'connell, Ryan (oconnell) 20,000.00 0.00 20,000.00
Olivera, Baldomero "toto" (olivera) 0.00 10.12 0.00
Parker, Robert (parker) 65,000.00 0.00 65,000.00
Pezzolesi, Marcus Guy (pezzolesi) 50,000.00 40,481.27 9,518.73
Pu, Zhaoxia (zpu) 165,000.00 3,394.63 161,605.37
Quinlan, Aaron (quinlan) 0.00 304.48 0.00
Rao, Yi (yrao) 200,000.00 51,079.45 148,920.55
Reichler, Thomas (reichler) 125,000.00 0.00 125,000.00
Rog, Ofer (rog) 20,000.00 6,164.84 13,835.16
Rogers, Alan (rogersa) 200,000.00 0.00 200,000.00
Roper, D Keith (roper) 145,000.00 0.00 145,000.00
Round, June (round) 20,000.00 2,310.41 17,689.59
Rutter, Jared (rutter) 50,000.00 8,636.29 41,363.71
Sadayappan, Ponnuswamy (CS6230) 0.00 802.79 0.00
Sandick, Pearl (sandick) 20,000.00 0.00 20,000.00
Schmidt, Eric (schmidt) 30,000.00 43,633.30 0.00
Shapiro, Michael (shapiro) 60,000.00 39,809.63 20,190.37
Sigman, Matthew (sigman) 185,000.00 225,875.54 0.00
Simpson, Jamesina (simpson) 15,000.00 17,940.97 0.00
Sohn, Hong Yong (sohn) 45,000.00 0.00 45,000.00
Sokolsky, Pierre (sokolsky) 200,000.00 0.00 200,000.00
Spear, Ashley (spear) 100,000.00 153,435.72 0.00
Steele, Ryan P (CHEM7520) 0.00 95,594.41 0.00
Steele, Ryan P (steele) 175,000.00 138,940.12 36,059.88
Swanson-voth, Jessica (swanson) 175,000.00 22,467.19 152,532.81
Tan, Wenda (tanw) 70,000.00 70,432.81 0.00
Tarboton, David (tarboton) 0.00 21,871.72 0.00
Thorne, Michael (thorne) 70,000.00 0.00 70,000.00
Truong, Thanh N. (truong) 15,000.00 0.00 15,000.00
Wachowiak, Dale M (wachowiak) 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00
Wang, Pai (wangp) 18,000.00 17,181.87 818.13
Zangle, Thomas (zangle) 130,000.00 0.00 130,000.00
Zasowski, Gail (zasowski) 20,000.00 0.00 20,000.00
Zhao, Jia (zhao) 20,000.00 0.00 20,000.00
Zhdanov, Michael (zhdanov) 0.00 61,912.81 0.00
Zheng, Zhongquan (zzheng) 0.00 27,899.88 0.00
Zhou, Zemin (zhou) 0.00 0.14 0.00
Zipser, Edward J. (zipser) 20,000.00 2,361.99 17,638.01
Total Service Units 6,263,750.00 4,455,904.32 1,807,845.68
Note - 9 Nov 2018: CHPC provides information on the owner group utilization data over the past two weeks. This can both assist users who may want to target specific nodes based on past utilization when running guest jobs and can also be used by the owner group to see usage patterns.

PI Notchpeak (SUs) - Owner Nodes
Allocation Usage Balance
anderegg-np 211,968.00 33,386.74 178,581.26
bedrov-np 353,280.00 166,211.44 187,068.56
belz-np 88,320.00 42,797.89 45,522.11
boldyrev-np 211,968.00 30,530.37 181,437.63
cheatham-gpu-np 176,640.00 68,288.94 108,351.06
civil-np 300,288.00 100,608.37 199,679.63
cryoem-gpu-np 70,656.00 6,462.73 64,193.27
daq-np 176,640.00 2,908.69 173,731.31
deo-np 529,920.00 115,129.20 414,790.80
efd-np 512,256.00 189,732.56 322,523.44
farmer-np 70,656.00 30,675.24 39,980.76
gnosis-gpu-np 88,320.00 920.42 87,399.58
gnosis-np 1,059,840.00 40.18 1,059,799.82
gompert-np 88,320.00 40,991.88 47,328.12
gruenwald-gpu-np 35,328.00 21,293.69 14,034.31
hochhalter-gpu-np 88,320.00 21,669.57 66,650.43
hochhalter-np 87,360.00 0.00 87,360.00
hoepfner-np 353,280.00 30,186.98 323,093.02
mansfield-np 88,320.00 9,598.90 78,721.10
molinero-np 141,312.00 48,826.62 92,485.38
newell-np 176,640.00 18,397.42 158,242.58
oberg-np 88,320.00 352.67 87,967.33
owner-gpu-guest 0.00 291,619.40 0.00
owner-guest 0.00 5,152,395.90 0.00
pezzolesi-np 70,656.00 6,226.59 64,429.41
round-np 70,656.00 3,202.59 67,453.41
sadayappan-np 0.00 114.82 0.00
saffarian-np 282,624.00 58,791.47 223,832.53
schmidt-np 88,320.00 41,011.95 47,308.05
sigman-np 2,331,648.00 1,764,905.81 566,742.19
soc-np 706,560.00 110,751.33 595,808.67
solidmech-np 600,576.00 335,004.90 265,571.10
sullivan-np 0.00 151.07 0.00
swanson-gpu-np 176,640.00 111,112.33 65,527.67
tanw-np 176,640.00 106,095.13 70,544.87
uspcasw-np 529,920.00 0.00 529,920.00
usuclimo-np 264,960.00 78,384.79 186,575.21
usumae-np 211,968.00 160,057.47 51,910.53
yrao-np 282,624.00 23,875.95 258,748.05
yzhou-gpu-np 44,160.00 8,565.09 35,594.91
zhang-np 141,312.00 14,799.93 126,512.07
zpu-np 918,528.00 109,639.46 808,888.54
Total Service Units 11,895,744.00 9,355,716.48 2,540,027.52

notchpeak-osg Usage
Total Service Units 1,629,524.41
Last Updated: 1/7/25