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Spring 2016 CHPC Presentation Schedule

1-2pm INSCC auditorium unless noted otherwise
* These classes are 1-3pm in INSCC Auditorium
** about 9am-3pm, schedule and location TBA


Presentation Title
Thursday, January 14th Overview of CHPC Anita Orendt
Tuesday, January 19th Introduction to Parallel Computing Martin Cuma
Wednesday,  January 20th XSEDE HPC Monthly Workshop: OpenMP** Martin Cuma
Tuesday, January 26th Hands-on Introduction to Linux, part 1* Anita Orendt and Martin Cuma
Thursday, January 28th Hands-on Introduction to Linux, part 2* Anita Orendt and Martin Cuma
Tuesday, February 2nd Introduction to Modules  Anita Orendt
Tuesday, February 4th Introduction to Slurm and Slurm Batch Scripts Anita Orendt
Tue-Wed, February 9th-10th XSEDE Monthly Workshop: MPI** Martin Cuma
Tuesday, February 16th Hands-on Introduction to Python, Part 1* Wim Cardoen
Thursday, February 18th Hands-on Introduction to Python, Part 2* Wim Cardoen
Tuesday, February 23rd Hands-on Introduction to Numpy/Scipy* Wim Cardoen
Thursday, February 25th Introduction to GPU Programming Wim Cardoen
Thursday, March 31st XSEDE Bridges Workshop Martin Cuma


Last Updated: 1/8/25