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Spring 2024 CHPC Presentation Schedule

All CHPC presentations are conducted exclusively via Zoom. There are no in-person presentations at this time.

Presentations are typically one hour, from 1-2pm, while hands on-presentations, marked with * in the schedule below, run two hours from 1-3pm. 

The ACCESS (formerly XSEDE) HPC workshops will take place throughout the semester.

There is no charge for any of the CHPC presentations.  Also, there is no registration.

Please note that for the Fall Presentation Series is held on a Monday-Wednesday-Friday schedule while the Spring and Summer Series are held on a Tuesday-Thursday schedule.  

The zoom information for all of the CHPC presentations is: 

To join via Zoom:

meeting ID: 963 399 29196

To call in:
+1 408 638 0968
+1 646 876 9923
+1 669 900 6833
Last Updated: 1/8/25